Good movie anyone?

Started by Duckhead, November 24, 2007, 10:41:17 PM

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I was hoping I could get a few movie recommendations. I am not a big fan of Hollywood Blockbusters or overpaid actors but watch them occasionally (the Big Lebowski is one of my fav's along with Shawshank Redemption to name a couple). I am a big fan of "B" movies and cult classics or anything odd. One of my favorite movies is "Zachariah", if you haven't seen it you can get it from Netflix. As for horror films nothing beats Evil Dead 1 & 2 for me. What are some of your favorite movies, hopefully something I haven't seen.


fast times at ridgemont high


Too many to list, but I'm currently watching "Galaxy Quest" it really is a cleaver movie.

"Name of the Rose" – A must see in my opinion
"The Lion in Winter" – another must see
"Dogma" – worth it if only to see Silent Bob talk
"Garbo Talks" – I loved this movie as a teenager, but it's been so long it might have been a case of "I want to appear more grown up than I really am" (warning: chick flick.)
"Love Actually" – Sweet romance (not a chick flick, unless you don't like romances)
 "Cherry 2000" a horrible movie, but a guilty pleasure
"Mr Frost" – head case horror film, gave me the willies
"Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey" – Death is hilarious, he makes the movie.
"Gallipoli" – Mel Gibson before he got all...well...Mel Gibsonnie
"The Runner Stumbles"
"Yellow Submarine"

Not necessarily favorites, but somewhere in the top 100 or so.


Thank you buswolley – I have seen a few on your list but a majority are new for me. I know what you mean by there are too many to list. Gattica is a good movie- it has a Logan's Run feel to it. I thought Contact was another good sci-fi (I can go on and on about sci-fi movies, if you like sci-fi everyone should see Metropolis - an oldie but a goodie!). Galaxy Quest is pretty funny. I've seen Cherry 2000, real cheesy but I like cheesy. For kids age 6-14 (and parents too) the 70's classic Kenny & Co is great, I highly recommend it.  Brazil (more sci-fi), Station Agent & Whale Rider are on my list too. Since it is the Holiday season everyone should watch the original Christmas Carol starring Alistair Sim! It beats all the other holiday movies hands down!


November 28, 2007, 07:32:34 PM #4 Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 07:35:10 PM by buswolley
Yes, Gattica is very Logan's Run like, but a better story.
Contact was very interesting.  I thought the dream sequence/contact was too simple, but I don't think they could have done anything that would really satisfy.  I'm a sci-fi fan myself, but a sucker for a good story no matter the genre.  I haven't seen most of the movies on your list, but I will.  Whale Rider is a very good movie.  You might also like Rabbit Proof Fence.  My favorite Christmas film is Miracle of 34th Street (1947) with Edmund Gwenn and Natalie Wood

Oldies but goodies (must see):
The Dirty Dozen
Bird Man of Alcatraz
A Man Called Horse
And always, Cool Hand Luke.

My husband and I watched The Departed a few nights ago.  I recommend, but it doesn't make the must see list.  

The last movie I actually paid to see was Dragon Wars (my husband's idea.  We get out maybe once or twice a year and he had to pick this one *rolls eyes*)  The worst movie perhaps ever made.  I have never walked out of a theater, and I still haven't, but I came very close with this one.

Edit: oohh...Serching for Bobby Fischer

Chris DiCicco

November 29, 2007, 02:14:40 AM #5 Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 02:15:46 AM by Chris
The Magic Christian, with Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr and a whole star studded cast.

A Scanner Darkly, Kanoe Reeves, Woody Harrilson, Robert Downey Jr and more... Drugs, Animated lifelike cartoon watch for the cats, I dig the cats.

Spongebob Square Pants the Movie, I\'m a gooby goober yeah we\'re all gooby goobers yeah.

dats my three.


Chris DiCicco
The Exosphere  2013


if you liked the big lebowski, go see No Country for Old Men.  it\'s great.
Truth:  it's OK if they don't understand.  if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.


Nothing can beat Patrick in fishnets.


The trailer for No Country for old men is rad! but it\'s not playing in these here parts yet.

El Topo...absolutley amazing (there is a review of it here in one of the threads...loved waht it said through the symbolism)
28 days and 28 weeks excellent and SCARY!!!
High Tension...twisted  :D
1408 a mind bender for sure!
Number 23 ....whoa!

Everything Studio Ghibli..Miyazaki!!!

Nightmare Before Christmas 3D it is totally FUN!!!


Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.


December 19, 2007, 07:45:58 AM #9 Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 07:52:23 AM by nuff_said

it\'s unbelievably GOOD!

did anyone get a chance to go see it?

if anyone ever calls you Friend-O, i\'m sorry.

Truth:  it's OK if they don't understand.  if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.


if you like Evil Dead and Coen Bros. there is an older Sam Raimi movie co written w/ the Coen Bros. that also has Bruce Campbell called Crime Wave.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is essential

If you like gore it doesn\'t get any gorier than Peter Jackson\'s Dead Alive

Suspiria is a real good Italian suspense movie with good gore
and excellent cinematography.
Erect Intestines


I recently experienced  Perfume: The Story of a Murderer .... it was very good.  You might find yourself wanting to do random sniffings when it\'s over though....  


Truth:  it's OK if they don't understand.  if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.


January 27, 2008, 07:42:18 AM #13 Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 10:39:48 AM by eggman90

Eastern Promises

Can\'t believe you mentioned this, watched it last night-wow! Viggo was awesome. I\'m still thinking about the ending right now.

I was wondering as I was watching the movie, there was an Azim\'s Barbershop in the movie, do you think Bucket tied that in a long time ago with Azzim\'s Lectures on Funnelweaver (even though they are spelled slightly differently)-due to him playing on Viggo\'s albums?  I don\'t know, there\'s probably too much time on my hands...



Can\'t believe you mentioned this, watched it last night-wow! Viggo was awesome. I\'m still thinking about the ending right now.

I was wondering as I was watching the movie, there was an Azim\'s Barbershop in the movie, do you think Bucket tied that in a long time ago with Azzim\'s Lectures on Funnelweaver (even though they are spelled slightly differently)-due to him playing on Viggo\'s albums?  I don\'t know, there\'s probably too much time on my hands...

anything is possible with buckethead.

that fight scene was spectacular!  finally.. someone gets hurt in a knife fight!  and actually has to go to the hospital??  you mean they don\'t d.i.y. stitches??  really great movie.  gotta love a believable fight scene!

Truth:  it's OK if they don't understand.  if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.